
Gta San Andreas Map
gta san andreas map

This is a hard thing to get perfect, but Multi Theft Auto has the best GTA synchronization out there and its getting better all the timeiGrandTheftAuto Image Gallery Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Images. If youve played Grand Theft Auto online in the past, youll know that the accuracy of the reproduction of other players actions often leaves a lot to be desired. 25,377 players online on 1,275 public servers.

gta san andreas map

Los Santos is the biggest city in 3D Universe.And there will be TWO types of comparison: by total area and land area.NOTE: The GTA V map unfortunately wasn't uploaded in original resolution (4000x4000), but please believe that all my calculations presented below are correct Other maps should be uploaded OK. The GTA V map is 49 sq miles (127 sq km) size.7. Los Santos in GTA V is around the size of GTA IV's Liberty City (with Alderney of course, but remember! Alderney in fact is an another city and even in another state, but in this case Alderney will be included as a Liberty City's borough, so luckily you won't be confused ).6. The GTA IV map is around half a GTA:SA map.5. The cities in GTA:SA are compared by size like this: Los Santos > Las Venturas > San Fierro.4.

What do I mean? If you draw that unit on each map, it won't have the same pixels length. Then, I ran half a mile (checking the travelled distance by foot in game stats from time to time) and after that distance I marked the finish point of my map measurement's unit.For this comparison I've used 5 maps with different resolutions, so the half-a-mile unit isn't the same on each map. Firstly, I marked one of the characteristical places on every map as a start point. When it comes to me, I use the most predictable method which is running/walking/driving the particular distance (in my case it's half a mile) along the straight south-north or east-west direction. Let's get it straight.There are different ways of map measuring.

Ain't that simple? If not, you'd better not scroll down, I'm warning youOK, next map pack and water areas in pixels for you to realise the essence of my map measuring O_OSo now having these results we can finally guess how big land areas in every GTA really are!GTA III (Total Area) = 3.14 sq miles = 8.12 sq kmGTA III (Water Area) = 1.45 sq miles = 3.76 sq kmGTA III (Land Area) = 1.69 sq miles = 4.38 sq kmGTA:VC (Total Area) = 3.52 sq miles = 9.11 sq kmGTA:VC (Water Area) = 1.35 sq miles = 3.5 sq kmGTA:VC (Land Area) = 2.17 sq miles = 5.62 sq kmGTA:SA (Total Area) = 14.75 sq miles = 38.2 sq kmGTA:SA (Water Area) = 2.57 sq miles = 6.67 sq kmGTA:SA (Land Area) = 12.18 sq miles = 31.55 sq kmGTA IV (Total Area) = 6.23 sq miles = 16.14 sq kmGTA IV (Water Area) = 3.12 sq miles = 8.08 sq kmGTA IV (Land Area) = 3.11 sq miles = 8.06 sq kmGTA V (Total Area) = 29.28 sq miles = 75.84 sq kmGTA V (Water Area) = 10.69 sq miles = 27.69 sq kmGTA V (Land Area) = 18.59 sq miles = 48.15 sq kmOK, now we've got the results written. Then, inside this rectangle, I've drawn many, many rectangles, triangles ( ) and trapezoids, but ONLY on water areas! Why? Well, do some maths: Total area - Water area = Land area. As you might notice, we just need to double each pixel length given above and square.After establishing units, I've had to find 4 extreme points of each map (4 because of 4 world directions, obvious ) and draw an outer rectangle, in which these extreme points must be situated on its sides.

...gta san andreas mapgta san andreas map